Analysis of global market price of ferroalloy

According to the observation of West Asia Group, the market price of ferroalloy has dropped steadily since this week. On the whole, there is not much market demand throughout the winter, and most manufacturers hold a wait-and-see attitude. Some traders from India and Vietnam tend to hoard goods in small quantities.

India has recently canceled tariffs on related steel products. On the one hand, it has increased their local prices, and on the other hand, it has improved the competitiveness of product prices in the international market. At present, there are a lot of silicomanganese products in the market, but the price is close to the cost line, and the price will not be affected by the tariff policy for the time being. The price is around USD 1200/MT.

China's ferrosilicon is at an advantage, and the price of 72 ferrosilicon is at US$1480/MT. The price of 75 ferrosilicon is at US$1590/MT.

West Asia Group currently has 65 ferrosilicon, 72 ferrosilicon, and 75 ferrosilicon in stock, and the price can be consulted.

 The previous shortage of ferromolybdenum in Europe and the rise in prices have eased today. Customers of West Asia Group said that there are new supply channels and alternative uses of molybdenum oxide, which eases market pressure.

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