Infrastructure development in the SCO countries

Uzbekistan is a member of the SCO, and in order to strengthen the integration of the Belt and Road Initiative with regional cooperation plans and national development plans, subsidiaries of the state-owned China Railway Construction Corporation plan to carry out more infrastructure projects in Uzbekistan.

This year, Uzbekistan will launch a nationwide rural road renovation project of more than 2,000 kilometers, which will greatly improve the local road traffic environment and reduce the time of cross-regional transportation.

Since these projects mainly obtain resources from the local area, some raw materials, machinery and equipment manufacturers will gain development opportunities, and local residents will also gain more than 1,000 jobs, greatly promoting economic and social development along the route.

The development of a country depends on infrastructure construction, and according to the situation of each region, strengthen cross-regional exchanges and commodity trade, especially in the current global economy affected by geopolitics and coronavirus, it is even more necessary to do a good job in planning and orderly development of economic activities.

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