EU Electrolytic Manganese Flakes prices remain high

Rising freight rates in Asia and high production costs provide European Electrolytic Manganese Flakes sellers with an opportunity to continue raising prices.
The price of EMM (99.7%Mn) in the European domestic market has risen again to $2040-2100/t FCA Rotterdam (from $1970-2000/t FCA a week ago).
As before, the main reason for the price increase is high costs, especially the 80% increase in manganese ore prices in the Chinese market since the end of March. Another important factor is the increase in freight rates, which is caused by the shortage of containers in Asia. As a result, offers from China have soared to $1980-2050/t CIF, compared to $1960/t CIF previously.
However, despite the continuous and likely continued increase in prices, European consumers are quite reluctant to buy new batches of the alloy. A European trader shared his view: "Yes, there are deals and discounts are offered in rare cases, but if demand is a pricing factor today, then prices should fall."
For more information on ferroalloy price trends and market conditions, please contact Hainan West Asia Group.


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