Affected by rising ore prices, Indian manganese alloys surge

It is understood that Indian suppliers are trying to increase their quotations for manganese alloys, citing rising manganese ore prices. However, buyers are yet to accept the new price. Updated to the 12th of last week, the quotation price of Indian silicomanganese (65% Mn; 16% Si) to foreign buyers rose from US$890-920/ton FOB to US$920-960/ton FOB. The price of alloy (60% Mn, 14% Si) rose to US$830-860/ton FOB (an average increase of US$40/ton from a week ago). The price of high carbon ferromanganese (75%Mn) is US$900-940/ton FOB (previously US$890-910/ton FOB)
The main reason for the price increase is that major foreign and Indian manganese ore producers have increased their quotations for April-May shipments. Meanwhile, Hainan Xia understands that buyers are in no hurry to accept the new price for the alloy. Most exporters surveyed said no deals had been concluded in recent days, but there had been a small number of inquiries from all major destinations. One trader commented: "Market demand is emerging, but buyers are not ready for such a drastic price change. The price increase is due to real factors of rising manganese ore prices, so once the current offer is accepted, the transaction will Get started."

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