Recently, the price of high carbon ferrochromium has been weak

According to Hainan West Asia Import and Export Group, recently the price of high carbon chromium iron is weak, and the stainless steel market continues to be "unstable", but the port traders are still strong price sentiment, including Tianjin Port 40-42% South African chromium concentrate low price source is difficult to find, the transaction price is closer to the high quotation.

1. With the sale of low-price goods in the early stage, the current port and the goods arriving at the port in the later stage are not the raw materials with high price in the early stage. Due to the high cost of holding goods, traders are not willing to deliver at a low price, coupled with the recent recovery of 40-42% South African chrome concentrate inquiry slightly, traders offer a tentative increase.

2. While the domestic production of high carbon ferrochrome increased steadily, the consumption of chromium ore also increased. Some traders believe that the demand for 40-42% chromium concentrate from South Africa in the later period will inevitably increase compared with the earlier period. In addition, the chromium ore inventory in Tianjin Port continues to be low recently, which also strengthens traders' confidence in price.

3. Support the cost price of 40-42% chromium concentrate outer plate in South Africa. Recently, South Africa 40-42% South Africa chrome concentrate latest transaction price is still maintained at 300-305 USD/ton (LG grade), converted into RMB price at 58 yuan tons, inside and outside the price upside down, traders also tentatively up the offer.

4. In terms of South African futures, suppliers maintain stable supply and stable supply objects. The concentration degree of trade volume is prominent, the scope of market inquiry is limited, the front of traders is unified, and the willingness to raise prices is strong.

Based on the current situation of the market, Hainan West Asia Import and Export Group believes that although it is difficult for the price of South African chrome ore to rise significantly, miners will not compromise the price reduction of alloy factories, and the spot price of South African chrome ore will be relatively stable in the short term.

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