Recent market price of calcium silicon alloy

According to the statistics of West Asia Group,The market price of silicon-calcium alloy this week is the same as last week. Due to the less demand in the current market, there are not many transactions at high prices. At present, the market price of ca30si60 is 12,800-13,000 yuan/ton, and the main transaction price is 12,500-12,800 yuan/ton ,pay in cash. At present, there are 3 manufacturers in the international standard calcium-silicon alloy market, and it remains to be seen when the rest of the factories resume production. It is expected that the production of calcium-silicon alloy will be difficult to restore high prices in a short period of time, and the market operation pressure is relatively small. Although the market price of raw materials is very good, there are not many orders from customers, and the overall transaction volume of the silicon-calcium cored wire market is relatively small. It is difficult to follow up the actual transaction. At present, most cored wire companies still wait and see, and the price adjustment is slow. In the later period, we need to pay attention to the centralized procurement of steel mills and enterprises during the middle and late Februarywho are interested in silicon calcium productswelcome to consult our West Asia Group.

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